Yep it was a moment of stunned amazement as the truth dawned.
Picture the scene on Saturday night…
Six year old Joel was at our kitchen bench eagerly awaiting his barbequed sausage for tea.
He was excited, he was expectant, he was hungry!
Then came the earth shattering question…”Do you have sauce?”
My eyeballs widened. “Well we do – but it’s home-made sauce – you may not like it.”
“Can I try some?”
“Sure, let’s give it a go. But don’t say I didn’t warn you!”
The room of 14 dinner party guests went silent and turned as one when Joel gasped, “Who made this? Where did it come from? It tastes awesome!”
I confessed, “Well my Mum did.”
“Your Mum made this sauce. People make sauce? WOW!”
We figured Joel wasn’t ready to hear where things like honey and eggs come from, but we did also ease him in on the origins of milk. It was a lot for a young visitor to come to terms with in one hit. We can only imagine that this has since led to a major deluge of other whacky revelations on Twitter…
What’s the lesson in this?
There are many…
From a marketing perspective, one of the lessons is to think about your own version of home-made ‘tomato sauce.’
Like what is:
- Something unique that you can offer your clients that will really WOW them?
- Something they may not have experienced before?
- Something that they’ll go out and tell others about?
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