Are you involved in a community group? Do you sometimes find it difficult to get your group members working smoothly together?
Yes? Well, I have a few ‘hints’ that can help you.
- Find a way to first understand where everyone is coming from. Get people to talk about what they want from their involvement.
- Get group members to agree on some ‘ground rules’ for the operation of the group. Specifically – how they’ll work cooperatively together to achieve the groups aim (knowing this is handy too)
- Have set tasks for each member of the group. It’s great to have some social time in your group – but it’s also good to ‘get the work done’
- Review your achievements each year – this can help reinvigourate your group. Try using a simple ‘timeline’ of achievements on a few bits of flipchart paper stuck to the wall
This week I’m working with people involved in community groups across the Great Southern, South Coast and South West of WA. Our first workshop at Tambellup was a fab day. With another two on the way, I’m looking forward to working with some more of WA’s community leaders and innovators. Check out the short video for details
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