Exploration and Discovery in Facilitation and Community Engagement

Thanks for your patience folks – it’ll be worth the wait!

In your autumn newsletter you’ll be able to find out more on:

  • My ‘key tip’ for Strategic Planning 101
  • Stakeholder Mapping in Community Engagement
  • Building your team – getting the ‘Yellow Card’
  • Social Media and Linked In – is it worth the effort?

Have a quick look at my newsletter launch video. Use it to think about how you can stand out to get your message through. It’s not perfect – but it is living proof of ‘Good is Good Enough!’

Grab your copy of your Autumn Newsletter and pass it on to your colleagues

PS – to make this newsletter valuable to you, let me know what questions you have. What do you want to find out more about?

PPS – and tell me more about your success story – what’s worked for you recently?

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Andrew Huffer

Andrew Huffer has over 25 years experience in working with organisations, businesses, managers and communities and at a state, national and international level. He designs and delivers specialist engagement processes, with a focus on facilitating open decision making processes and skill development of clients. He has delivered presentations and workshops at a number of state, national and international conferences.

Reader Interactions


  1. Burditt Krost says

    Very clever video and well presented.
    Justin Hardy of DAFWA in Albany passed it on to me.
    I will have a look at your Strategic Planning 101 and see if your thoughts parallel mine.

    • Andrew Huffer says

      Thanks Burditt – it’s surprising what ideas can inspire you and when! On the Strategic Planning front – well I reckon you’ve got the process and content down pat – there is a one-percenter in the newsletter that may help in keeping people ‘on-board’ throughout the process.
      Cheers, Andrew

  2. Rick says

    Nice one Andrew, crazy dude!!!

    you can’t imagine how timely the appearance of this is for me. Just finished contract in Kwinana and have some time on my hands before the next great adventure. I’m on board, planning Zenergy stage one refresher event later this year and whole Diploma program to follow.

    I’m very keen to see your promotion marketing tips and read your thoughts on Stratplan 101.

    Awesome stuff, thanks Huff


    • Andrew Huffer says

      Hi Rick – so glad to hear the timing is right – and you’ve now finished the Kwinana marathon! Well done on continuing wth your commitment to learning more and further building your knowledge bank on all things facilitation….looking fwd to catching up soon!

  3. Sharyn Cox says

    Hi Andrew – great newsletter – really helpful responsibility shifter for those of us who too easily try to take on everyones – I’ve been a participant in a process where the Click Cards were used and they are fantastic for continuing the conversation for weeks afterwards about working well in teams – ta for the reminder – Sharyn

    • Andrew Huffer says

      Hi Sharyn – great to hear from you again. Yep the CLICK! cards are a fave tool of mine – love the simplicity, flexibility and depth that they offer! It’s surprising to me that it took me so long to work this expectations thing out, but it sure means we can focus on what we’ve come to do as well..

  4. Lisa Keedle says

    Hey Andrew,

    Love your video. Timely for me, I just had a business mentoring session and my mentor suggested a youtube clip. Recieving your email through AFN was fate! Love your clip and loved the theme – also thought it was like peeling back the layers.

    I read your newsletter and Staregic Planning 101, I see some similar links to Farm$mart days of old – that project was onto something. The intial 3 questions you pose really have held true to me when working with clients on what they want to achieve in their facilitated formats with me as theuir facilitator.

    Thanks for the inspiration. Keep up the good work.


    • Andrew Huffer says

      Hi Lisa – thanks for you fab feedback and (as I’d expect) great insights! The Youtube side of things is a good way to get your message through – you can add so much more than just the written word. And yes the Farm$mart model was a serious winner. I worked on a similar project here in WA recently – the changes farming businesses made (when committed) really were significant and inspiring!

  5. Iwona Polowy says

    HI Andrew, I like your videos, short & sharp and look forward to learning more about the strategic planning!

    • Andrew Huffer says

      Thanks Iwona – and the video was fun to do as well! it shows the value of grabbing something you’re immersed in now and thinking of a way to share it or apply it in another field.
      Regards, Andrew

  6. Rob Carolane says

    Hey Andrew, great video and newsletter, thanks. Just a thought about Mawson and facilitation.

    One of the amazing things about Mawson was that he wanted to explore for science, not for politics. He had the chance to “go for the real goal” of the South Geographic Pole with Scott, and look where that would have got him. He decided to stay true to his values and seek a scientific goal of the South Magnetic Pole.

    We often have to do this in facilitation, stick to your values and purpose of the facilitation don’t get distracted by short term, sometimes very attractive options to change course.

    In Mawsons case by going for a scientific goal, ( and nearly suffering the same fate at Scott) Australia ended up with a massive political outcome because Mawson travelled East-West and so we were able to lay claim to vast areas of Antarctica when the continent came to be divided up many years later.

    My point; sometimes the hard yards early pay off with unforseen great outcomes later, provided you have good values and purpose.

    • Andrew Huffer says

      Thanks Rob for your feedback – I love the insights you’ve provided about Mawson and the importance of sticking to purpose and values – very powerful
      Thanks, Andrew

  7. Tammie Reid says

    Andrew the explorer,
    I’ve just been reading Shackelton, also passionate, a great leader and spent a lot of time rugged up looking like you.

    Agree with you wholeheartedly about the usefulness of the stakeholder mapping tool. I use sticky labels to do this work and add a notation onto each if they are highly involved, attentive or browsers…. that way you begin to build your communicaton plan, who would you like to move into a more engaged or more disengaged quadrant, what communication tools will suit more than one group…. etc

    Question for you -O great icy cool dude: – Strategic planning: there is such pressure to deliver this in less than 2 hours… I would appreciate your thinking on working with a clients need for speed… is there a dash board quick check approach for Strat Planning…..
    cheers Andrew
    and thanks ,
    all good grist for a plate of hot facilitator HOOSH…

    • Andrew Huffer says

      Hi Tammie, thanks for your fab comments – and yes I’ve read a bit about ‘the boss’ as well. Truly resilient characters…
      Like the idea of the Sticky Labels and the highly involved, attentive or browser categories as well
      In terms of a 2hr strategic planning process…it’s kind of like somebody saying “That sounds expensive.” My response “Compared to what?”
      So if they’re saying “That sounds time consuming..” My response..”Compared to what?” Having to fill new positions; responding to reduced funding; or dealing with outraged stakeholders?”
      Plan D? If they’re insistent on a 2 hr process. Get as much info beforehand via online surveys etc. In the workshop – they HAVE to agree to your rules – no exceptions, no BS, no long-winded speeches.
      I’ll do some more thinking about this – great topic for the next newsletter…

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