Your Autumn 2015 Newsletter
In this edition of your Facilitation and Community Engagement newsletter you'll gain lots of ready to apply ideas. Here are a few examples:
- Developing a Killer 'Unique Selling Proposition'
- How Gordon Ramsay can Help Your Team to Operate More Effectively
- What a stay in Hospital Taught me about Testing my Assumptions
Grab a cuppa and your note book and read your Facilitation and Community Engagement newsletter now!
Your Winter 2014 Newsletter
Here's the latest version of your Facilitation and Community Engagement newsletter.
Packed with practical ideas and tips, including:
- Dealing with tense community engagement events
- Managing tough workplace relationships
- Coping with the facilitators 'Shiny Object Syndrome'
- The 'tomato sauce' story and how it can help your marketing
Lock in 21 minutes now to read your Facilitation and Community Engagement newsletter to build your skills.
Want some light relief? Check out the video - guess which character I'm playing!
PS - if you'd like extra support and resources, get hold of your weekly facilitation tip from the Facilitators Inner Circle - guaranteed goodness!
Summer 2014 newsletter
Grab your Summer 2014 Facilitation and Community Engagement Newsletter and take off in 2014!
You know the deal - set aside 18 minutes to soak up the latest on:
- Community Engagement - Six tips for dealing with meeting participants
- Building your Team - The basics of mentoring
- Facilitation - A checklist for room set up
- Effective Promotion - Robbie come back!
Don't hold back, make 2014 a tidal wave of achievements, grab your newsletter now - it's like a rocket of professional development!
Take off into 2014 with your Summer Newsletter by Facilitator on GoAnimate
PS - if you'd like extra support and resources, get hold of your weekly facilitation tip from the Facilitators Inner Circle - guaranteed goodness!
Winter 2013 Newsletter
Here's your Winter 2013 Facilitation and Stakeholder Engagement newsletter. Set aside 21 minutes today get practical tips and ideas about:
- Why stakeholders know stuff
- New staff are not a burden to your team
- Strategic questions to plan your facilitated workshops
- Keeping your promotion simple
This short video explains the real truth why this valuable information has taken so long to reach you!
Just like the evil alien said, you can grab your Winter Facilitation and Stakeholder Engagement Newsletter here
Other newsletters
PS - if you'd like extra support and resources, get hold of your weekly facilitation tip from the Facilitators Inner Circle - guaranteed goodness!
And here are the back issues of your newsletters...
In your autumn newsletter you’ll be able to find out more on:
- My ‘key tip’ for Strategic Planning 101
- Stakeholder Mapping in Community Engagement
- Building your team – getting the ‘Yellow Card’
- Social Media and Linked In – is it worth the effort?
Have a quick look at my newsletter launch video. Use it to think about how you can stand out to get your message through. It’s not perfect – but it is living proof of ‘Good is Good Enough!’
The Summer facilitation and community engagement newsletter - the first for 2012.
The Summer newsletter covers:
- Facilitation - Focusing your team on what really matters
- Community engagement - Three basics you should always stick with
- Building your team - Improving team performance
- Effective promotion - We all need recognition
Looking forward to hearing about how you've put these ideas into action!
PS - I've committed to producing one newsletter each quarter - but only on the condition that you provide me with feedback, ideas, criticism and questions. Otherwise I'll stop and devote my energies elsewhere.
Click on the link to access your newsletter from Andrew Huffer
The inaugural (collectors edition) newsletter from 2011 can be viewed by clicking News to use
See what's in the newsletter by having a quick peek at the video
Remember to look for information that you can grab and apply!
Grab your copy of news to use now.
PPS - got feedback? New ideas? Questions? Just let me know!
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